brand, marketing & innovation strategy

Nike - The Future Isn't Waiting

Nike Japan - The Future Isn’t Waiting

Using the power of sport to spark a national debate around discrimination and bullying in Japan.

When we asked the youth “if you had a magic wand, what would you change about Japan?”, it was bullying that topped their priority list.

Bullying is a prominent problem in Japan, with cases in schools rising to 612,496 in 2019, from just 68,563 in 2018. Standing out for any reason can make you a target, and in a homogeneous society, with different ethnic or racial backgrounds, you often have no choice to stand out.

We expected to start a conversation about bullying and discrimination in Japan. What we got was a debate so fiery, that it made headlines around the globe.

Lead Strategist and Researcher


Case Study


The Result

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The film ignited a discussion that had celebrities, major political parties and people from all backgrounds weighing in. Not only was the film debated, people also got a chance to speak up about the future they envision for themselves and the next generation in Japan.
