Strategists' Matrix of Growth
If there's one thing we strategists love more than a perfectly crafted chart, it's knowing how to grow.
At some point in our careers, every strategist questions what it takes to be truly great at what we do. We wonder what defines a top-notch strategist and what steps we need to take to advance in our field. I felt this in my career, and not having a boss or mentor who’s helping you define a path forward, makes it difficult to determine when you are ready for your next promotion.
That's why I want to share the Strategists' Matrix of Growth - a tool that will demystify this whole process.
Click on the matrix to expand.
Pinpoint your position
Each bracket in the matrix represents a critical skill that, I believe, is essential for strategists. These range from foundational talents such as relationship-building and research to overarching qualities like leadership and visionary thinking. While many, many more skills should be listed here, I've selected some of the most pivotal ones to focus on. There is a lot of overlap, but overall, I have realized the more senior you get, the more you have to look ahead and have the ability to get the best out of teams and clients.
Map your growth
The Matrix isn’t intended to tick off skills you have, but rather to spotlight where you are, and where you can grow. Whether you are an aspiring Junior Strategist or eyeing the position of Strategy Director, the map portrays some guidance for what’s needed for the next step. So if you are a brilliant presenter, and write tight strategic briefs, but you don’t work closely with the creatives and other departments, you might want to work on your relationships.
Titles Vary, Skills Don’t
I’ve seen job titles and specific responsibilities widely differ from one company to another. However, the underlying skills and competencies largely remain the same. So, even if your title doesn't align perfectly with the ones mentioned here, check where you are and use this matrix as a guide on how to grow from there.
No matter where you are on the Matrix, remember that every strategist is on their own unique journey. To truly harness its potential, engage in open conversations with mentors or supervisors. Understand your current strengths, spotlight areas needing refinement, and craft a growth plan that's uniquely yours. This dialogue will empower both you and your manager to create a personalized development plan tailored to your needs.
So, reflect, learn, and grow. Which skills are you working on next? Let me know in the comments below.